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In-House vs. SaaS: Choosing Analytics Solutions

June 14, 2023

You May Be Here Because:

  • You’re debating whether to build your own analytics capabilities or buy an off-the-shelf solution.
  • Your company needs a flexible, robust analytics platform that aligns with specific requirements.
  • You’re concerned about the long-term viability and control over traditional embedded analytics tools.
  • You want a solution that balances ease of integration with extensive customization options.

In most industries, the decision between building a custom solution and buying a ready-made product is straightforward. However, when it comes to customer-facing applications, especially in analytics, the choice becomes more complex due to the unique and specific requirements each company might have.

The Challenges of Building In-House

Building an in-house analytics solution can seem appealing because it offers unparalleled control and customization. However, it's essential to recognize the considerable investment in expertise, time, and resources required to develop, deploy, and maintain such a system. Here are the key aspects you’ll need to manage if you decide to build your own analytics capability:

  1. Building the Underlying API:
    • Developing a robust API is foundational, enabling data to flow seamlessly between your application and the analytics engine. This API must handle large volumes of data efficiently and securely.
  2. Optimizing Query Performance:
    • Query optimization ensures that data retrieval is fast and responsive. This requires deep knowledge of database management and indexing strategies.
  3. Wrestling with Chart Libraries:
  4. Implementing Interactivity:
    • Features like filters, sorting, and drill-down capabilities must be developed to make the analytics experience dynamic and user-friendly.
  5. Optimizing Web Rendering Performance:
    • Ensuring that the analytics components load quickly and smoothly in the browser is critical, particularly for data-heavy applications.
  6. Building Multi-Tenancy & Authentication:
    • For SaaS applications, supporting multi-tenancy (multiple users accessing the same instance with different data views) and secure authentication is a must.
  7. Testing, Refinement, Management & Maintenance:
    • Continuous testing and updates are required to keep the system robust and up-to-date, demanding ongoing attention and resources.
  8. Self-Serve Reporting:
    • Allowing users to create their own reports adds another layer of complexity, necessitating intuitive interfaces and powerful backend support.

Why Companies Choose In-House Solutions

Despite the challenges, many companies opt to build their own analytics solutions. Why? Because traditional embedded analytics tools, while quick to market, often come with significant limitations:

  1. iFrame-Based Embedding:
    • Most traditional solutions use iFrames, which are not extensible and limit how you can integrate with your application’s codebase. This leads to a disjointed user experience and reduced control over performance.
  2. Limited Customization:
    • These tools typically allow for only basic styling changes like color schemes and fonts, falling short of the extensive UI/UX customization that might be necessary to align with your brand and functionality needs.
  3. Performance Limitations:
    • Performance optimization is constrained by the underlying architecture of the embedded tool, and you can't make the necessary adjustments to improve it as you would with an in-house system.

The Vizzly Solution: Best of Both Worlds

This is where Vizzly comes in. We built Vizzly to bridge the gap between the flexibility of building in-house and the convenience of buying an off-the-shelf solution. Here’s how Vizzly offers the best of both worlds:

  • Powerful Query Engines:
    • Vizzly provides both self-hosted and in-browser options, allowing you to choose the setup that best fits your performance and security needs.

Native Javascript Embedding:

  • Our React-based components integrate seamlessly into your application, giving you extensive control and eliminating the limitations of iFrame-based embeds.
  • Complete Customization:
    • With Vizzly’s Theme API, you have full control over the dashboard’s appearance, ensuring it matches your brand and user experience perfectly.
  • React Hooks for API Access:
    • Direct access to APIs through React hooks simplifies the integration process and provides advanced functionality without extensive boilerplate code.
  • Built-In Multi-Tenancy and Authentication:
    • Vizzly supports multi-tenancy and secure authentication out of the box, making it easy to manage multiple users and data privacy.

Why Vizzly?

Choosing Vizzly means you no longer have to compromise between building and buying. You get:

  • Flexibility and Control: Tailor the solution to your exact needs without the overhead of building from scratch.
  • Ease of Integration: Quickly integrate and scale your analytics capabilities within your existing application framework.
  • Focus on Core Activities: Free up your team to focus on what makes your product unique, rather than getting bogged down in complex analytics development.

Next time someone tells you that you can’t have your cake and eat it too...

Tell them about Vizzly.


In the debate between building and buying analytics solutions, Vizzly stands out by offering the best aspects of both approaches. It provides the flexibility and control of an in-house build without the associated development burden.

See how Vizzly is being used by leading SaaS companies and startups for Custom Reporting.

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